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Protect Your Asphalt Features From Damage  

We offer asphalt sealcoating services to clients throughout Grand Rapids, MI and surrounding areas.

Asphalt sealing is a process that involves adding a protective layer to asphalt surfaces to protect them from chips, cracks, UV rays and oil damage. All Around Asphalt And Sealcoat offers top-notch sealcoating services to clients in Grand Rapids, MI and surrounding areas. We can seal driveways, parking lots and roads with ease.  


Call us today at 269-509-6632 to learn more about our asphalt sealing services.  

A black asphalt driveway surrounded by trees and grass.

Why should you seal your asphalt features?

Our asphalt sealing process can help protect your asphalt features from the sun, rain, and other weather damage. It can also prevent cracking and the formation of potholes.  


If you’re ready to prevent major pavement issues and extend the life of your asphalt, reach out to us now for sealcoating services. We’ll be happy to provide you with a free estimate before we begin.  

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